
Thursday, May 26, 2011

3 More Awards in One Week!

Whoo hoo. I feel so loved this week! I received 3 awards this week, two of which I have already received before.

Thank you to Vanessa from Nail Stories for giving me the Liebster Blog Award, which is designed to recognize bloggers with less than 300 followers.

Thank you to love4lacquer for giving me the Kreativ Blogger Award

And thank you to Sara from Sara Loves Pretty Little Things for giving me an award I have not received in the past-- The Top 10 Blog Award!

Sorry for not doing the whole tagging thing again >.< , I did that already, and it can get to be quite time consuming.

Thanks to ALL of my followers, I'm almost at 100 and yes, I have some nail polish that's ready to be given away! Hopefully I'll be able to start up the giveaway within the next week!

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