
Friday, May 13, 2011

Color Club Covered In Diamonds

I was looking online last night for Nfu-Oh Flakies and the cheapest ones I saw were $12.50 on Fabulous Street. I found the website from soguesswhat11. It's a pretty good deal considering they go for much more than that on other websites, but right now that's just a bit more than I want to spend for one nail polish. Then, this morning I remembered I have a flakie that I haven't even tried yet--Color Club Covered in Diamonds! For a base I used L.A. Girl Disco Brites in Phenomenon. I'm pretty sure it's black, but sometimes it almost looks like a SUUUPER dark blue. Then for the magic, I used one coat of CC Covered In Diamonds. It's such a beauty and it was only $3.00 on Transdesign! You can do this to all of my pics, but especially for this one, you may want to click to enlarge to see how pretty this one is =]

Outdoors with flash.

Outdoors with flash.

Outdoors in shade, no flash.

Indoors with flash.


  1. I LOVE this flakie polish. Definitely going on my wish list and for $3.00 its a bargain (well I have to pay shipping to UK), but still a bargain none the less :-)

  2. I LOVE that polish! It's gorgeous!

  3. This is freaking gorgeous! I am in love with many of Nfu-Oh flakies too lol! I think I'm checking into this CC flakie asap!!!

  4. Definitely a bargain! This will satisfy my flakie craving until I have extra money to spend on an Nfu-Oh =]


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