
Friday, May 20, 2011

Pirate Mani 3

So as you guys know, there are mermaids in the POTC movies, so of course I had to have at least one mani with a mermaid. Too bad the fauxnad plate I own with a mermaid totally sucks and I could only get a clean pick up of the image once =[ For the base color I used Orly in It's Up to Blue. It's pretty sheer, I used two coats, but three would be better for complete opacity. The mermaid is from fauxnad M72 and the fish are from fauxnad M14. I stamped using Sally Hansen Insta Dri in Silver Sweep. I wanted the tips to look like mermaid tail scales, but my fiancee thought they were waves so I'll have to do another mani that actually looks like a mermaid's tail, but for the design I used BM 217 and also stamped in Silver Sweep.

I went to bed before topcoat and I got lines all over my nails =|

The mermaid! Too bad she didn't want to cooperate with me.


  1. aawwwwweesomme mani! - i just posted my POTC mani today too =)

    but i love yours!...grrr cant wait to watch it!


  2. OMG Sarahlouise you're crazy, I just checked your pirate mani out and yours is way cooler lol! Thank you!!

  3. Love this! I don't have that cute little mermaid plate and think perhaps I need it!

  4. Thanks Laurie! Yea it's such a cute image, too bad it was a fauxnad plate I got on ebay and pretty much sucked. I see there is a mermaid image on Konad M34 that looks almost the same so I'd probably suggest getting that one since I've never had problems with Konad plates.


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