
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sinful Colors Let's Talk & Nail Foil

What I used for this mani isn't actual nail foil, it's this foil that came from an Easter egg decorating kit. I found the idea from soguesswhat11 and you can learn how to use this method from her video tutorial. The egg decorating kit I got was only $2 at Michael's because I purchased it on sale after Easter. The glue I bought wasn't the same as the one in the video, but I tried to find the next best thing that Michael's carried. I got Aleene's Original Tacky Glue for $1.50.

First, you put on your regular nail polish and wait for it to dry. The next thing you do is apply the craft glue where you want the foil to stick to, and let it dry just a bit until it's still tacky. Then apply the piece of foil onto your nail with the plain/silver side facing down and the color side facing up. The foil will then stick and just apply a topcoat (or two), and viola!

Aleene's Original Tacky Glue

These are what the foil sheets look like. You get magenta, blue, green, purple, gold, and silver sheets.

I used one coat of L.A. Girl Disco Brites in Hustle, but didn't really like how it wasn't shimmery, so I applied one coat of Sinful Colors in Let's Talk on top of it. 


  1. That's such a cleaver idea! I really like how it turned out too :)

  2. What a cool idea. Pretty,too!

  3. that is very cool! Im going to michaels to see if they still have some!


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