
Monday, June 13, 2011

Another haul, already?!

I went to US Nails Supply just one week ago, and lucky me, I was able to stop by again today and get whatever I wanted, thanks to my wonderful fiance. Here's what I got:

L to R: Worth the Risque, Fashion Addict, Wild at Heart (I wanted Revvvolution too, but didn't see it)

L to R: Mrs. Robinson, Warhol, Koo-Koo CaChoo, Feelin' Groovy (from Poptastic Collection)

L to R: Pucci-licious, Chelsea Girl, Age of Aquarius (also from Poptastic; I wanted the whole collection O_O )

L to R: White Out, 108 Degrees, Electric Pineapple, Blue Iguana, Grape Pop

L to R: Black Onyx, Suzi Loves Cowboys, Ogre the Top Blue, Jade is the New Black, Bling Dynasty, Blue Shatter
 So I'm finally part of the Color Club 'club'! Yay! I really wanted some Essie since I don't own any, but the colors were kinda limited so I still have no Essie. Thanks for everyone's suggestions yesterday, very helpful! Also, last week I was lucky enough to win my first giveaway! I received it in the mail today. This one was from Kelly at Polish, Puttering, and Ponderings. If you haven't already, check out her blog ;] Thanks Kelly!

L to R: Sally Hansen Hard as Nails, CG Pom Pom, Revlon Perplex


  1. Awesome haul!! I'm surprised you didn't see Revvvolution though! Maybe next time =P

  2. Haha I know I remember you telling me where it was too! I was too lazy to ask an employee bc there was kinda a lot of people in the store. Oh well, I'm pretty sure I'll live without it lol

  3. oooh Perplex one of most favorite colors! Nice haul you have there! Can't wait to see some of these colors on your nails over the next few weeks

  4. Oh cool thanks for the heads up Laurie! It's my first Revlon so hopefully I'll like it too.

  5. I hate your posts about US Nails Supply, they make me so JEALOUS!!!

  6. awesomeeeeeee
    jealous of the poptastic shades, i have the 7-piece set but none of the singles. i want like all of them. ALL OF THEM. (age of aquarius and mrs robinson and edie and factory girl and jackie OH mostly... and all the rest)

    so jealous of you, woman. i need to go to this place. i wonder if there is one in bufflo...

  7. @Lydia: Hahaha well I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon so you'll have a break from looking at it and hating them lol.

    @Rebecca: OMG I want all of them too. Next time I go back, whenever that is, I think I'm just gonna get the rest of the Poptastic. I think this is one of my fav collections of any brand bc I LOOOVE bright colors and the neon ones don't dry matte <3<3

  8. do it. get them all. LOL. i am an enabler.

  9. Are Worth The Risque and Fashion addict holographic?

  10. Yup! I haven't tried them out yet, but from pics I've seen, they are subtle holos.

  11. You're welcome and Congrats! I hope you like them :)


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