
Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm back from my honeymoon!

Aloooooha! I have missed all my lovely followers and I'm excited to start blogging again. In case anyone missed it, I got married on July 14th in Hawaii and had a lovely honeymoon there. My husband and I actually got back home last week, but we spent another week just enjoying time off from work. I'll post a few pics, but our professional photos will be done in about 2 weeks so I'll share more with you all at that time.

I decided to do my own nails for the wedding. I bought a few pink nail polishes and took forever picking which one to use, but I'm happy with my selection. For my base color I used O.P.I. Strawberry Margarita. It's a bright, medium shade of pink. It's a creme and I believe I used 3 coats here. I used BM 220 in Konad White. I added silver glitter to the center of all the flowers. Sorry for the blurry photos. We were on the 29th floor of our hotel and I was trying to take these pics ASAP and go back inside. It was actually terrifying for me just standing on our balcony because it was so high up lol. I would've taken more pics, but I was so busy that I didn't find the time.

I'll post a few of our professional pics when I get them next month, but I just want to share a part of my wedding with you all <3


  1. Congratulations! It looks like it was a beautiful celebration to start the beginning of your life as husband and wife!
    Ps I love the stamp position on your nails... I've been eyeing that stamp

  2. Congratulations! You look gorgeous and I love your nails! I wish you and your husband all the best!

  3. Congratulations!! You look so beautiful! :) Love the nail choice :)

  4. Congrats! Wishing you all the best!
    Those pictures are just perfct, that's how I'm imagining my wedding once if ever. :D
    Love your nails too, such a lovely pink and soooo lovely stamping. ♥

  5. Congratulations! I wish you two the best :) Beautiful couple!

  6. Congratulations! You both look so happy :-)

  7. Congratulations! You're both stunning!

  8. Thanks to you all for such kind words <3

  9. you look beautiful! and i love that you actually did your nails cute instead of a french mani or a sheer white. super cute!!
    did you get nail mail from me???

  10. thanks again to all!

    @Rebecca: Haha that's exactly what I wanted to avoid, the typical french mani/nude color! Mission accomplished. Yes I got your nail mail! I totally used your franken right away ;] I'll post it soon.


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