
Friday, September 2, 2011

Pink Gradient and Fauxnad M72

Sorry I haven't blogged for almost a week! As I mentioned in my last post, I had my wedding reception last week on Saturday. I was kind of a zombie the next day and then this week I've been doing last minute things before I start an R.N. (registered nurse) program next week. I had to get my last immunization for school and I officially changed my last name (which was kind of a pain in the butt) haha! On a bad note, when school starts I will have to CHOP my nails so they don't go past my finger and I won't be allowed to wear nail polish to clinical (hospital) half the week so I won't be able to blog as much. I will definitely make some time though!

Anyways, here's the mani I wore for the wedding reception last week. For the gradient I used Color Club Modern Pink, China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy, and China Glaze High Hopes. I also used Nfu-Oh #49 on top of the 3rd color. I stamped using Fauxnad M72 in Konad White.

No flash

No flash



And here's a couple pics of my reception last week =]

Me and my wonderful husband who buys me tons of nail polish <3

Me doing a Tongan Tauolunga (my husband is Tongan)

And I said last month I'd post a few of my professional wedding pics when I got them, but didn't think anyone would care to see it, but might as well since I'm putting these other ones =P Plus I like when other bloggers share stuff about themselves =]


  1. You look so pretty in your wedding dress. These pics look amazing. Congratulations to you both :) I like the pink gradient mani, the Nfu-Oh polish really sits on there nicely.

  2. Wauw you just look so amazing! Congratulations! <3

    The mani is cool aswell!

    Love, Cyn

  3. You look divine!!! You and your husband make a gorgeous couple! Good luck on everything!!

    I really love the gradient!


  4. These pictures are so cute! I absolutely love the one where you guys are almost like nuzzling :) It is really sweet and I wish you all the best

  5. Wow those are really amazing wedding photos! I really like seeing these!


  7. Thanks to each and every one of you <3 I'm glad I ended up sharing these photos with you. I appreciate all the kind words =] I had a ton of pics, but as difficult as it was, I narrowed it down to these!

  8. You two make such a gorgeous couple! Thanks for sharing.

  9. wow, your wedding pictures are amazing! they look like they belong in a magazine, specially the last one. you are so pretty &i love your husbands hair!

  10. Photos perfect for a lovely couple! Thank you for sharing this special moment!


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