
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Summery Beach Sunset

Today was my first day of the Nursing Program so my summer vacation is officially over =[ I originally wanted to post this yesterday, but I'm pretty sick right now and I had to sleep early for school last night so I saved it for today. I didn't do any crazy summer or beach manis this summer so I figured I can at least end with one. I used Color Club Pucci-licious, Color Club Modern Pink, Color Club Wham! Pow!, China Glaze Happy Go Lucky, and L.A. Girl Metal Alkaline Blue. I used Konad M29 in Konad black. I know I probably could've blended a bit better, but I was kind of short on time, as I will be from now on since school has started. I know a lot of other people have started school recently or will be, so I hope everyone's summer has or will end on a great note!


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