
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Pure Ice Iced Copper & Pure Ice Tease

Hey loves! In early 2013, Pure Ice will be discontinuing 23 polishes and renaming 5 polishes to make room for some new ones. They will be introducing 29 new shades to replace the discontinued ones. Today I have 2 of the shades that will be discontinued to give them a good send off--Iced Copper and Tease!

Pure Ice Iced Copper--2 coats

Pure Ice Tease--4 coats
Farewell polish pretties!

***Products provided for review***


  1. Ooh, I really like Iced Copper. I wish my Walmart had a better selection of Pure Ice, the display is always a mess and half stocked. =/

  2. Aww sorry to hear that. They are coming out with a lot of new stuff early 2013 so hopefully your Wal-Mart will stock a lot of their new stuff!


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