
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Nail Polish Couture Jaaziah

Hey ladies! Hope everyone had a good weekend. I did a blog makeover today. It took me awhile because I know very little about how to do a blog layout and use social media buttons, but I'm finally done and I really like how it looks. I'll probably play around with it a bit more when I figure out what the heck I'm doing. Today I have a thermal polish to show you. Thermal polish is becoming pretty popular with indie polish makers right now. They change colors when exposed to heat or cold. The one I have today is from Nail Polish Couture and it's called Jaaziah. It turns blue when exposed to cold and green when exposed to heat. I used 4 coats here and I used topcoat--yes, the thermal effect works with topcoat! You can purchase this from Nail Polish Central.

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