
Friday, May 24, 2013

My Graduation Mani!

Happy Friday everyone! Yesterday I graduated from a 2 year RN Nursing Program! I will be taking my NCLEX sometime this summer so I'll keep you guys updated on how that goes. It was so hard blogging during the program because we're not allowed to wear nail polish, but I kept at it. Thanks for sticking with me for all this time even though at times I wasn't able to post very often. I still have to study for my boards, but I know I will definitely be able to post more often.

Onto my nails! I did a mani to match my dress. I used China Glaze: Neon & On & On (pink), Too Yacht to Handle (blue-green), and Glistening Snow (glitter). The stamp is BM 201 in Konad White. In person the white stamp looks more white, I think in the photo the pink kind of comes through a bit. I was planning on doing my nails again today, but I'm having a difficult taking these off especially because they have no chips and they look pretty awesome.

Here's me flashin' my mani at graduation


  1. Congratulations on your graduation! Way to go! The mani looks fantastic as well. Have a great summer and good luck on the boards. I'm sure you'll do fine. I was a wreck before mine and I've never been so relieved as I walked out of the room when I was finished!

    1. Thanks DD! Lol I hear a lot of people freaked out if their test didn't stop at 75 and they cried when they got out. I'm pretty sure I will too =P

  2. Yay, congrats on graduating!
    I love the mani, it's perfect!

  3. Congratulations :D Your nails are so cute!

  4. One of the nicest manicures I've seen this week! I just love the colours <3

  5. i could just squish you for posting all these AWESOME manicures! everything you doooooo is so me!!

    ps you're beautiful!

  6. Congratulations, lovely graduation mani too.

  7. Congrats on your graduation, what a perfect nails to celebrate with!


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