
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bundle Monster's New 2013 Stamping Plate Collection

Hey stampaholics! Just wanted to share the wonderful news with you that the wait is almost over for Bundle Monster's new 2013 stamping plate collection. This is a one of a kind collection because it's their first set in which ALL of the designs are created and submitted by fans! Bundle Monster has been releasing sneak peek photos of the collection every day this week. Check them out here! The set will be available for purchase towards the end of September. I will be lucky enough to receive a set for review so I am looking forward to playing with them and sharing that with you! What do you guys think of the collection so far and what images are your favorite?


  1. I think the collection looks very promising! The octopus is my favorite so far, but I like very many of the images. :-)

  2. yeaaah i love that collection more than the holiday one!


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