
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Polished by KPT Siren's Song & Bittersweet Swatches

Hey lacqueristas! Today I have my very first Polished by KPT polishes to show you. Katherine is a Bay Area indie polish maker and is very well known for her thermal polishes. I had the pleasure of meeting Katherine at her Eyes On Indie Nail Party a few weeks ago and she even gave me a couple polishes to try. I have 2 of her thermal polishes to show you today--Siren's Song and Bittersweet. 

Siren's Song (cool)

Siren's Song (in transition)

Siren's Song (warm)

Bittersweet (cool)

Bittersweet (in transition)

Bittersweet (warm)

Both of these polishes are beautiful, but my fave is definitely Siren's Song. It was quite helpful to have long nails as the transition shows up nicely. I would imagine the transition effect would be a bit harder to achieve with short nails without running your hands in cool/warm water. You can purchase both of these limited edition polishes here and they are currently on sale for $12.50 each. 

Here's a pic of Katherine and I at the Eyes On Indie Party last month. 


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