
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Picture Polish Mad Magenta--Swatch & Review

Hey lacqueristas! Oh my goodness someone get me off my computer, I've been doing more online shopping than I planned on. Good news is I am saving tons of money on what I would have spent on regular price so I can't complain, but seriously, after this post I should really get off my computer! Yikes!

Today I have my 3rd Picture Polish to show you. Over the past couple weeks I showed you Electric Dream and Freya's Cats, so now let's take a look at Picture Polish Mad Magenta. This is one of those slightly neon purply pinks which I absolutely love, but have a hard time capturing. Swatch below is 3 coats plus topcoat, but you could get away with 2. Mad Magenta had a smooth formula, was easy to apply, and had a fast dry time. I was actually pleasantly surprised with the formula because similar neon colors like this are usually tricky to apply. 

I hadn't really intended on posting this stamp job since I was just messing around, but here's Mad Magenta stamped using PUEEN 25 in Konad White.

You can purchase this polish here for AU$10 which is around $9.11 in USD. Shipping is a bit pricey depending on what country you're from, so if you're in the US like me, you can also check out Llarowe, Overall Beauty, or find a seller in your country on Picture Polish's Network page.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for online shopping :D haha.

    This stamping looks so fun over the bright color, I like it!


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