
Monday, December 30, 2013

Polished by KPT Being in the Pink & MoYou London Pro 14 XL

Hey friends! Sorry for the lack of posts since Christmas. I guess I just was in a funk last week and didn't really feel like doing anything including my nails. I even had one more holiday mani that I didn't post so I suppose I'll save it for next year. Don't worry, I'm feeling back to normal and I already have a few posts ready! I'm going out of town for New Year's Eve tomorrow night so I have to do my nails tomorrow morning and post them before I leave! Anyways, today I have something I haven't tried before--stamping over a thermal! I like this base because white shows up over both warm/cold colors. Other thermals I have I get paranoid if I stamp over it if the stamping color will show up over both. Now I actually want to try stamping over more thermals. This is Polished by KPT Being in the Pink stamped using MoYou London Pro 14 XL in Konad White. Check out the details of this stamp! I'm impressed.


  1. I absolutely love this! The colours are gorgeous! I'm always in awe of how perfectly straight your stamping is.

  2. Gorgeous! You really capture the scattered holo of the thermals well. I cannot. Lol.

  3. Lovely design <3 i just ordered three moyou plates and i am excited how they will work :)

  4. That is so cool! Love the combination ♥


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